On 5 December, AE held a successful lunch debate in the European Parliament co-chaired by MEPs Heinz K Becker (Austria) and Olga Sehnalová (Czech Republic). It focused on improving AD diagnosis through European research collaboration
On 5 and 6 December, AE hosted its 3rd annual Alzheimer’s Association Academy in Brussels. There were 14 expert speakers including a representative of the EWGPWD and topics were defined based on a survey of participants at the 2016 Academy and AE members.
On 6 December, more than 600 persons with disabilities from all over Europe, including members of the EWGPWD, met at the 4th European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities (EPPD), co-organised by the European Disability Forum and the European Parliament.
The Global Dementia Observatory, a web-based platform launched by WHO on 7 December, will track progress on the provision of services for people with dementia and for those who care for them, both within countries and globally
The Health Programme's Work Programme for 2018, adopted by the European commission on 13 December 2017, will focus resources on European Reference Networks for rare diseases, health promotion and mitigating cross-border health threats.
This newsletter received funding under an operating grant from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020).
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