Our new Dementia in Europe policy magazine and our supplement about clinical trials are published to coincide with the 34th Alzheimer Europe Conference
7 October 2024, Geneva - Alzheimer Europe is pleased to present the 46th edition of its policy magazine, Dementia in Europe, together with a supplement about clinical trials on dementia. These have been published to coincide with the 34th Alzheimer Europe Conference (#34AEC), taking place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 8-10 October. All delegates will receive a copy of the magazine and supplement in their conference bags.
We are delighted to present the 46th edition of our Dementia in Europe magazine, coinciding with our Annual Conference in Geneva. This is another packed edition of the magazine and we are excited to share many interesting developments at national and European level across policy, research, culture, advocacy, dementia care and lived experience.
We are particularly grateful to the Royal Palace in Belgium for their kind collaboration in providing information and official photographs, including our main cover image, for an article about an important round table event which recently took place at the Palace, presided by His Majesty the King of the Belgians.
To mark #34AEC, we have a dedicated section called "Spotlight on Switzerland", in which readers can find out more about the work being done in the event's host country. For those joining us in Geneva, we wish you an interesting and enjoyable conference and we hope you enjoy this edition of our magazine!
Dementia in Europe magazine issue 46 can be downloaded, here:
We are very pleased to welcome the readers of our Dementia in Europe magazine to a special supplement about clinical trials on dementia in Europe. Clinical trials are essential for the development of new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat dementia. As the number of people affected by Alzheimer’s disease (AD) continues to rise, we hope you will share our interest and commitment to this important area of research.
In our previous supplement on clinical trials, published in 2019, we highlighted the complexity surrounding access to clinical trials, noting that information was not easily accessible for people wishing to participate in research. To address this, we introduced our Clinical Trials Watch, a user-friendly, web-based resource that consolidates up-to-date information on Phase II and Phase III clinical trials investigating drugs for the treatment of AD and other forms of dementia in an accessible and easy-to-understand format. This 2024 supplement continues our commitment to highlighting the pivotal role of clinical trials in AD.
The supplement on clinical trials can be downloaded, here: